Riverside, WY to Rawlins, WY
Total Miles: 4187
This is gonna be a short one because the scenery was rather bland and I’m a fucking rocket ship.
This morning we got a real treat! Instead of waking up at the usual 5:00 we got to sleep in till 6:00! I know, right?!?! We’re out of the mountains so the sun was already up, the fucking birds were chirping and IT WASN’T FREEZING! Today was looking to be a really good day. I had a nice PB and H bagel for breakfast, got Forrest loaded up and we hit the road at 7:00. Somebody I know must have wished upon a Turtle for me or something because the tailwind we had yesterday was blowing us along again today. Not being ones to waste an opportunity, Sebastian and I set a land speed record and blasted out the first 18 miles in less than hour. We stopped in at a gas station to wait for the guys and get some food. I met another cyclist heading west as well, I didn’t get his name but we’ve been referring to him as The Teacher because, surprise surprise, he’s a teacher. He’s only got a limited time to complete his trip so this dude is smashing out 130 mile days. My badassery absolutely pales in comparison to this guy. Fair roads and all day tailwinds, friend!
After getting fueled up we set off into the favorably windy day. We were really pushing it today, like it could have been a nice leisurely ride just letting the wind blow us along but we were both of the same mind in milking this wind for everything it could give us. Another 30 miles and the route had us riding along the interstate for a while and it really wasn’t so bad, the wind was still on our favor and there was a nice wide shoulder to ride on. The only issue was dodging all the exploded semi truck tires scattered all about, but even that was kind of fun. About 10 miles from Rawlins we spot a pair of cyclists ahead of us going the same direction and it’s none other than my old friend Garreth and his new cycling partner Joe. They had started out in the town we stopped in for food earlier and were heading to a town about 40 miles past where we’re staying tonight. It was awesome for the four of us to ride along together and chat, it really made the last few miles of bland scenery pass by quickly. Once in Rawlins we stopped in at the Walmart to get some supplies and for me to replace my broken power bank and then we parted ways again. It’s awesome how all of these loosely connected travelers heading in the same direction form this little cycling clique, constantly running into each other and riding together for a spell then setting off on our own paths.
So, yeah. That’s about it. I need a beer. Stay tuned for the next edition of James and is Bike!
Too Drunk; Didn’t Read (TD;DR)
-Rocket Fueled Legs and Blistering Tailwinds: A Cyclists Tale
-A Wild Garreth Appears!