Titusville, FL to Sebastians Inlet State Park, FL So last night I stayed with my Couchsurfing host, John, and man oh man was it awesome. John lives on top floor of a building looking right out over the water and uses his spare bedroom as a gateway to meet new and interesting people. As soon […]
Month: April 2017
Day 20 – 40 Miles -_-

New Smyrna Beach, FL to Titusville, FL Last night after the days blog post I headed into town and had myself 3 tall IPA’s and the biggest, fattest bacon cheeseburger you can possibly imagine. It was a gluttonous monstrosity and I killed it in like 5 minutes. Once back at Kirk’s place I crawled into […]
Day 19 – 67 Miles

St. Augustine, FL to New Smyrna Beach, FL I woke up this morning at 6 with the intention of getting on the road to get a good chunk of the miles completed before the days wind picked up.And you know what? It actually worked! Kind of. A little. Ok, actually it didn’t work at all […]
Day 18 – 52 Miles

NINJA EDIT! I peddled my 1000th mile today. No big deal ??? I woke up this morning at 6 with the intention of hitting the road as soon as the sun started to peak over the horizon in an attempt to beat the ferocious winds that were forecast for today. I packed up my camp […]
Day 17 – 22 Miles

Last night I had a run in with a new kind of evil. A menacing scourge of the night made more wily by the fact that they’re intelligent little bastards. I’m speaking, of course, about the raccoon. One of the people following my blog had left me a comment last night telling me, among other […]
Day 16 – 88 Miles

Nahunta, GA to Fernandina Beach, FL Last night before I went to sleep I hear a knock on my door and to my delight it was Ms. Blanche. She had brought me my laundry and sitting right on top was a bag full of delicious treats! A couple of bananas, some raisins, a fruit cup, […]
Day 15 – 83 Miles

Reidsville, GA to Nahunta, GA Last night I finally got to test out the watertight integrity of my tent. A thunderstorm rolled in just as I was laying down to read for for the evening and it was incredibly relaxing. The gentle pitter patter of rain against my rainfly and the sound of thunder in […]
Day 14 – 51 Miles

Last night’s stay with my Couchsurfing host, Jenny, was awesome! She didn’t get home till around 7 but had told me where the key was and said to make myself at home. It’s amazing how trusting people are in that community. So after she got home we got to know each other better and man […]
Day 13 – 74 Miles

Point South, SC to Statesboro, GA I woke up today feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the long day ahead. I stayed at a KOA campground last night so there were no terrifying night beasts to worry about. I polished off the rest of the pizza I had eaten last night, packed up my bags […]
Day 12 – 51 Miles

Cottageville, SC to South Point, SC I was awoken from my sleep last night by the sound of some massive night beast crashing through the woods near my tent. In the brain fog that accompanies being woken from a sound sleep I didn’t really register what was going on. When it finally dawned on me […]