Butte, MT to Missoula, MT Total Miles: 4798 I woke up today at 6:30 absolutely dreading the day ahead. Well, maybe not dreading, but definitely a bit apprehensive. We’d planned a ridiculously long day today so that we could take a day off in Missoula while we wait Terry, Gene and Michael to get here, […]
Month: July 2017
Day 83 – 85 Miles

Ennis, MT to Butte, MT Total Miles: 4671 Last night we met up with a couple of the cyclists from the group we met on the road yesterday and had some drinks at the bar. Near the end of the night they ask us if we want to ride with them the next day, I […]
Day 82 – 74 Miles

West Yellowstone, MT to Ennis, MT Total Miles: 4586 Our friends Josh and Heather were completing the final day of their bicycle tour today so we all thought it was appropriate to go out and celebrate the occasion. All 7 of us headed out to an old-timey diner for some burgers and malts and afterwards […]
Day 79/80/81 – Lots of miles

Colter Bay, WY to Grant Village, WY to West Yellowstone, MT Total Miles: 4512 I didn’t have cell service the last few days and I’m feeling too lazy to write much today. Again. I know, like, get your shit together, James. Piss off. Yellowstone National Park has been amazing. I think Wyoming has definitely been […]
Day 78 – 0 Miles

REST DAY!!! Let’s be honest, I needed it. I spent my day reading, relaxing and… applying for jobs because the real world is fast approaching. Would it be too much to ask to just cycle forever?! Here’s a video of me cycling down Togwotee Pass. I think. Whatever. Stay tuned for the next, and definitely more […]
Day 77 – 75 Miles
I’m kind of drunk and so full of food that I might literally die. That being said, I do not feel like writing about my amazing day. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Stay tuned for the next, and hopefully more verbose, edition of James and his Bike!
Day 76 – 75 Miles

Lander, WY to Dubois, WY Total Miles: 4392 I slept so good last night and not just because I had been cycling my ass off on only 4ish hours of sleep the previous two day. The park we camped at had the softest, most fluffy grass ever and it almost felt like a real bed […]
Day 75 – 60 Miles

Jeffery City, WY to Lander, WY Total Miles: 4317 I don’t know why I continue to do this to myself. Some kind of subconscious, self-inflicted penance I’m subjecting myself to for all the wrongs I’ve done throughout my life? Lack of self control? The say-yes-to-everything attitude I’ve acquired over the years? All of the above?! […]
Day 74 – 70 Miles
Rawlins, WY to Jeffery City, WY Total Miles: 4257 Last night Gene, Terry, Sebastian and I went to a restaurant/bar/liquor store/laundromat to get some beer and the biggest steaks we could find. I didn’t have high hopes of finding a great steak at a place where you can eat, order a beer and do your […]
Day 73 – 60 Miles

Riverside, WY to Rawlins, WY Total Miles: 4187 This is gonna be a short one because the scenery was rather bland and I’m a fucking rocket ship. This morning we got a real treat! Instead of waking up at the usual 5:00 we got to sleep in till 6:00! I know, right?!?! We’re out of […]