Grenada, MS to Enid, MS Total Miles: 2711 I awoke this morning at 7 feeling pretty crummy, my legs were sore and stiff and I had no desire to get on my bike whatsoever. Last night I had decided to pedal another 70 miles towards Arkansas and get a cheap motel and a good nights […]
Month: May 2017
Day 49 – 65 Miles

Houston, MS to Grenada, MS Total Miles: 2670 Last night after I scoured myself looking for any hidden ticks I laid down in my tent to get some reading done. Not even 5 minutes later I feel this creepy, crawly sensation on my foot and look down to see a tiny little tick walking up […]
Day 48 – 78 Miles
Pickensville, AL to Houston, MS Total Miles: 2605 Last night as I was crawling into my tent to get some reading in before bed I hear someone outside say, “Hey, you’re not asleep are you?” When I get out to investigate I’m greeted by my two camp neighbors who ask if I’d like to come […]
Day 47 – 77 Miles

Providence, AL to Pickensville, AL Total Miles: 2527 Editors note: I’ve tried my very hardest over the last 47 days to try and maintain some semblance of family friendliness to my writing, mainly keeping the F-bombs to a bare minimum, but that’s just not the way I talk in real life. It’s been pointed out […]
Day 47 – 61 Miles

Jackson, AL to Providence, AL Total Miles: 2450 I woke up this morning at 6:30 and I really did not want to get out of bed. After yesterdays toils I was not looking forward to another day of the same and I tried every argument I could think of to convince myself to just lay […]
Day 46 – 64 Miles

Range, AL to Jackson, AL Total Miles: 2389 It got pretty chilly again last night and I woke up to my tent covered in heavy sprinkling of morning dew. When I start getting my things ready my tent is usually the first thing to get loaded up but seeing as it was all wet I […]
Day 46 – 62 Miles

Milton, FL to Range, AL Total Miles: 2325 I woke up this morning and it was cold and it took a lot of willpower to heave myself out of my sleeping bag. Now the actual temperature was only like 60 but after the last month of Florida heat it felt like the freaking arctic to […]
Day 45 – 52 Miles

Destin, FL to Milton, FL Total Miles: 2263 Nothing particularly interesting happened last night. After my haircut and a few beers at the nearest bar I just laid in my tent and read all evening. The weather was cool so, for once, I wasn’t sweating my ass off and my campsite was pretty close to […]
Day 44 – 44 Miles

Panama City Beach, FL to Destin, FL Total Miles: 2212 Yesterday evening I’m sitting at my camp cooking dinner, parmesan rotini with pepper fried spam, when my camp neighbor walks up. He’s this really young looking guy, maybe 19 or so, and he’s camping out with a bunch of his equally young looking friends. He […]
Day 43 – 71 Miles

Apalachicola, FL to Panama City Beach, FL Total Miles: 2168 So yesterday didn’t turn into quite the barrel of sunshine that I thought it would be. I had planned on camping in one of the city parks which I was assured by my new friend Kevin was totally ok. I mentioned this a little later […]